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Sarvesh's Blog

Create Hobbies

/ 3 min read

You are either too busy for other things or too free for nothing. —Myself

You tend to procrastinate even more when you fall in those two categories. To avoid this from happening you can create a set of different hobbies.

What is a hobby?

A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure time. —Wikipedia

Some people have a lot of free time, whereas others don’t. It all comes down to managing your most valuable asset, Time. I learned in college that time is the most valuable thing one can have. Hobbies allow you to either learn something new or perfect what you already know; it’s all about your time, and you never know what your next interest will be if you don’t attempt. I recommend that you have numerous activities rather than just one so that you don’t become bored and abandon it entirely.

Which hobbies?

One could have any number of hobbies, but you only need 4 types:

  • Money making
  • Physical and Mental wellbeing
  • Staying creative
  • Knowledge building

Money making

Everyone need money, but only a few are successful in earning an adequate quantity (adequate may vary for others), but you may manage the amount you earn by hustling your way into this world. For example, if you have a job but it isn’t paying you enough, or if you don’t have a job at all (especially students with loans etc.).

You need to survive on your own to be able to grow yourself and pave your path into this world and make a statement.

Physical and Mental wellbeing

Physical and mental well-being are the most significant kind of hobbies to incorporate into one’s life. One should constantly take care of themselves because the initial impression you make on others defines the type of person you are. Always strive for good hygiene and physical appearance. When conversing, think before you speak and pay close attention to the other person. We go to the gym if you aren’t in peak physical condition. Trust me, just one thing will greatly alter your appearance and behavior till it becomes addicting.

Don’t compare your progress with someone’s success.

Staying creative

People generally admire those who are creative and think outside the box. The ability to socialize, such as maintaining a conversation and respecting people, is something that others admire. Being creative can mean many things to different people; for some, it could mean drawing, cooking, or socializing, to mention a few.

It’s often the creativity of a person which stands out from the bunch.

Knowledge building

You never stop learning, and you must keep up with the rest of the world. Knowing what is going on in the world is something you can utilize to help others and broaden your horizons. Reading about books (not academic books, of course!) or listening to podcasts are two ways to broaden your knowledge. It provides a means for you to learn about other people’s experiences and improve your own.

Knowledge is the most poweful thing in the world if used correctly.


Time is the most valuable possession. One should make good use of their time and strive to better oneself. Having a variety of activities can assist you in becoming a better version of yourself, from being excellent to being great.